"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Life of James Dean

I have heard several songs lately referencing James Dean; which got me thinking about the actor. I found this really fantastic film about his life. I never knew anything about James Dean other than the "bad boy" image Hollywood portrays. I have a much greater respect for him now.

Wow, he was a pretty sexy man!  Who else do you find fascinating?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Acoustic Guitar

I just discovered these two songs and am feeling so relaxed right now. So beautiful!

D.R. Auten---If I only Had Wings

Laurence Juber--Love at First Sight

Take a moment today and close your and listen to these songs!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Love at First Sight

Ran across this song by Nickasaur! and thought it was different and cute! "I'll FedEx you my love.."

I've been listening to this song by Lush for several months now. I love how dramatic the song is, and I especially like listening to it at night in the dark. Just learned tonight that this is a cover of The Gist.

Just found this song and all I can say is, "Wow! I'm falling in love!" (with this guys voice!!) Amazing!

Have you ever had a love at first sight experience?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

East of Eden

Since I watched the biography about James Dean I really wanted to see him act. My family and I watched East of Eden last night, and now I am just smitten! He played such a great job as Cal. Hard to believe that was one of his first roles. He was a really good actor. Also hard to believe that this film is 55 years old. What a great movie!

What old movies do you love?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Handling Headlice

I was reading an online newsletter recently and there was a discussion about head lice. I don't know about you but I would rather be prepared in case my kids ever had head lice. I just discovered these funny but informative videos about handling head lice. Enjoy!

Edgar Cayce on Soulmates

I just watched a documentary about Edgar Cayce's views on Soulmates. I am not going to lie, the video is old (from the 80s) and it is not flashy, but the information is very clear and concise. According to this video, Cayce believed that anyone who enters our life that causes us to feel emotional (either good or bad) is a Soulmate. He did not view Soulmates in the current popular view of a one true love/mate, but felt that Soulmates are people who enter our life to help us learn life lessons. When we meet someone and feel an instant connection with them it is because our souls recognize one another and we take off where we left off with them in another lifetime. Perhaps we need to go through several lifetimes with the same people because we did not learn or grow from those experiences in a past life. I found this video was very concurrent with everything I have been reading and watching lately about souls and reincarnation. The video is in five parts but definitely worth the time to get a clear understand about Soulmates!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is There Life After Death?

I have been reading a lot of books lately about life after death. I believe that when we leave our physical bodies that our souls live on. In the following videos you will learn about life after death and about ways that our deceased loved ones try to communicate with us.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sand Mandalas

Sometimes we can accomplish great things when we work with others.  Watch how Buddhist monks create a sand mandala in just 6 days! Check it out ! It will brighten your day!
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