"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dreaming of Your Face

Both of these songs have so much passion in them. I've had Hinder's song stuck in my head a lot lately and who doesn't love 3 Doors Down!

>Hinder-Lips Of An Angel

"...and yes, I dreamt of you too."

3 Doors Down-Here Without You
"...dreaming of your face."

Whose face are you dreaming of?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Find Work You Love

Are you looking for work, considering changing careers, or interested in starting your own business? Would you like to find work you love? Below you will find simple tips I picked up while listening to Dr Susan Bernstein's Work From Within radio show.

Job Search Process
  • Look over your resume. Ask yourself, "What employers would connect with this resume?"
  • Get in touch with people you know and ask for their ideas.
  • Join Linkedin and connect with professionals in the field.
  • Find ways to connect with more people.
Changing Careers
  • Network- Join Linkedin. Ask friends.
  • Ask yourself, "What would I like to be doing?"
  • While you are looking for work, get a sustenance job in the meantime (to be able to afford food and shelter). Ex/Temp jobs, work at a coffee shop, etc.
  • Ask yourself, "What are the skills, talents and abilities that I want to be using right now?"
  • What does the future look like for you?
  • Keep a journal during this process.
Starting a Business
  • Begin with the end in mind: How will you feel? What will it look like?
  • How do you want to be of service?
  • Be clear about your audience: Try out a few different audiences; Ask yourself, "Who do I want to connect with and why?"
  • Speak in your audience's language: What is the benefit of your business? Describe so people can recogize themselves in who you help.
Learn about "Drains" and "Gains" to help you focus on doing what you love:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Medical Intuition

Have you ever felt like something just wasn't right with your health, trusted your intuition, and found out your diagnosis was correct? Well, Dr Mona Lisa Schultz uses her intuition everyday to diagnose her patient's medical conditions.  Check out this video about Dr. Schultz in action:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Locket Earrings

For the past month or so I have been thinking about locket necklaces. Last night, while watching a show I was mesmerized by a pair of earrings an actress was wearing. They reminded me of little lockets but for the ears. I wanted to know right then and there if such earrings were available on the market. I am so excited because I just purchased a pretty little pair of gold locket earrings on Etsy for a mere $14. I think I will give them to my neice for her birthday. They will look so pretty on her.

Thinking About 2011

With the new year upon us I have started thinking about my goals for 2011. Instead of resolutions I like to set goals instead. I think resolutions are too vague, are too easy to abandon, and create disappointment when you don't do what you set out to resolve. Whereas goals are more specific, are easier to work towards in small steps, and give you a sense of accomplishment as you follow through on your action plan. Here is an example of the difference between a resolution and a goal:

Resolution: Lose Weight
Action Plan: Join a gym, eat better
This is too vague! How much weight do you want to lose? What are you going to do at the gym? What are you going to do differently in your diet? What happens if you can't make it to the gym or you don't have time to eat healthy? This scenario creates too much room for disappointment when you do not see results.

Goal: Lose 20 pounds
Action Plan: Take 1-2 aerobics classes, sign up for a personal training session, take a yoga class, talk to a hynotherapist about weight loss, walk for 10 minutes during lunch break for a month, drink 8 glasses of water per day; eat salad 2 lunches per week
This is specific, and gives you concrete plans to take the weight off! You will feel good as you follow through on your action plan and should start to see results.

With all that said, I read an awesome article today, Resolution Revolution: A Better Way to Start Your Year by Christine Kane, that has me inspired to tweak my approach a bit. Kane suggests that we pick a theme word to guide us through the year... "Then, hold that word in your mind throughout the year, and let your word guide you to take action." For example, instead of setting a resolution of 'Get organized' you might choose a word such as 'Release.' Then throughout the year you remind yourself of your word and see what action that word takes in your life.

I have decided to set both goals and pick a theme word which I will write an affirmation around. I so excited to see how 2011 unfolds! What are your plans for the new year?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gaurdian Angels vs Spirit Guides: What is the difference?

We all have Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Heidi Sawyer explains in this video about the different roles each plays in our lives. Guardian Angels are there to protect us; and Spirit Guides are making sure we stay on track with our life plan.

Guardian angels and spirit guides
Uploaded by HeidiSawyer. - More college and campus videos.

Pete Murray- Opportunity

I was listening to Pandora today and found some songs by Pete Murray that are awesome! I learned that he is from Australia and he was originally going to school for Sports Medicine when his friends encouraged him to pursue his singing professionally. He did and today his music is world famous! I love hearing stories about people pursuing their passions!

"Hold on your exits here"

I also loved, Feeler, Fly With You, and See the Sun!

What are you passionate about?  Are you making time in your life for your passions?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Little (Redneck) Christmas Cheer

Larry the Cable Guy is hilarious! The whole time I was listening to this I kept thinking of Mater from Cars though. Merry Christmas everyone!

Interview Tips

If you are looking for a job for the first time or after several years of being out of the workforce these videos have some great interview tips!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Abundance= Giving + Receiving

The holidays are here and Steve G Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist, reminds us that the holidays are a time for giving and recieving. He explains that giving gives the giver joy, but as the receiver we should also be open to feeling joy. If we are open to recieve we both honor the giver and pave a way for the abundance that is meant for us in this lifetime. Abundance= Giving and Receiving! Happy Holidays!

Eagle Symbolism

Yesterday while driving to my Grandmother's nursing home I was listening to the radio. I happened to notice that two songs mentioned eagles, and after those two songs ended the band, Eagles started playing. I thought to myself, "Huh, wonder if that means anything?" This afternoon I was putting away laundry and happened to glance over at a card that I have on my bureau. I noticed at the bottom it had the word 'Eagle' in the last line. So I just did a search for Eagle symbolism and found a website dedicated to Eagle Spirituality.

Yesterday I was a little nervous about visiting my Grandmother. I hadn't seen her in a long time and while driving over there I was praying for guidance and was asking love ones in spirit to come with me. I think the Eagle was my confirmation that my prayers and requests were heard and that they were there yesterday. The visit went great and I am thankful that I went. So thank you God for sending me Eagles!

Here is the band, Eagles singing Please Come Home for Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Receiving Messages Through Numbers

Do you constantly see the same number? My whole life I have always noticed 11:11 on the clock. I always thought 11:11 meant someone was thinking about me, but I've recently learned that seeing 1s means that I need to stop wasting my energy on negative thinking. In this video Dave Ferrolo explains that the numbers we see are messages from the Angels. He talks about his own personal experiences with seeing 2s and 7s and what those numbers mean. He also shares the significance behind other common numbers.

The Universe is Talking to you with Numbers!
Uploaded by DaveFerrolo. - More video blogs and vloggers.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Have you ever driven around your neigborhood on the weekends and noticed that something was missing? Where are the children? I know I rarely see kids playing outside where I live. When I have gotten outdoors with children I have noticed that sometimes they are afraid or bored. Some children are even afraid to step on grass or get dirty. That is sad!

“Many children today find it easier to stay indoors and watch television. I worry that children do not know what they are missing. Children cannot love what they do not know. They cannot miss what they have not experienced.”  Mary Pipher, The Shelter of Each Other

What is especially scary is that the children of today, who are spending all their time indoors, are not learning to respect nature. If they are afraid of nature and are not familiar with nature how do we expect them to care for the outdoors when we are gone?

“It is quite possible for today’s child to grow up without ever having taken a solitary walk beside a stream, or spent the hours we used to foraging for pine cones, leaves, feathers and rocks – treasures more precious than store-bought ones. Today it is difficult to tear children away from the virtual world of the mall to introduce them to the real one.” Gary Paul Nabhan and Stephen Trimble, The Geography of Childhood

A new term I learned recently is Biophobia, a fear of the natural world. Do we want our children to fear the outdoors?

Help Your Kids Enjoy the Outdoors

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

George Anderson: We Don't Die

I just finished reading a really fascinating book, We Don't Die: George Anderson's Conversations With the Other Side by Joel Martin & Patricia Romanowski. Through series of scientific tests and observations, Martin, a former radio dj and self-proclaimed former skeptic, provides solid evidence that George Anderson , a Psychic Medium, can communicate with spirits who have passed on. According to Anderson, our loved ones do not die, they just transition to the other side and go through different levels of spiritual conciousness. As a Psychic Medium, he is able to communicate with Spirits to deliver messages to loved ones who are still here on the earthly plane.

Here are few ideas that I took away from, We Don't Die:
  • A person's passing is often a time of "soul growth" for people who are still here.
  • The other side is not above us, but all around us. The other side runs parallel to where we are.
  • Everyone crosses over to the other side. We work our way through different levels of spiritual conciousness. Those who are negative here may start at the bottom levels, but eventually may work up to other levels.
  • Our loved ones and friends will meet us when we cross over and help us transition.
  • God doesn't judge our actions. We judge ourselves.
  • We continue to learn about ourselves and to grow on the other side. We have a mission on the other side, which may take the form of a job of sorts.
  • Our loved ones still exist, and still love and care about us.
  • It doesn't matter what religion you are here. God is not found in a building. He is found within ourselves.
I really felt like I knew more about Spirits, the other side, and how George Anderson communicates with our loved ones who are passed over by the time I finished this book. I found it a really easy read, and was disappointed when the book ended. I absolutely loved that there were numerous word-for-word transcripts of readings George conducted with bereaved loved ones. I learned a lot about the afterlife and Mediumship while reading this book!

The following Unsolved Mysteries episode discusses the life of George Anderson. Enjoy!

Unsolved Mysteries Part 2 : George Anderson

Monday, December 20, 2010

Spotlight on John Holland

On my iPod I have the Hay House Radio application which is a 24/7 talk radio channel devoted to mind, body and health topics. One of my favorite speakers is John Holland, a Psychic Medium from Boston. He is quirky and talks pretty fast once he gets reading, but he is very thorough. I love that he always goes out of his way to provide just one more piece of information for a caller. I decided to learn a little bit more about the man and found several videos which I have posted here.

In this Unsolved Mysteries video we learn how John was in a car accident that heightened his gift.

In this Interview with John Holland we learn about John's gifts and his thoughts on various aspects of being a Medium.

This is part 1 of an A&E Biography where John is taken blindfolded to the historic building where the Shirt Waist Factory Fire took place in the early 1900s.

In part 2 of the A& E Biography John is taken to the scene of a mobster's murder in the 1970s.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Psychics vs Mediums

Do you know the difference between a Psychic and a Medium? In this video, Heidi Sawyer explains that a Pyschic reads pockets of energy that relay information about our future; and Mediums relay information from our deceased loved ones. Have you ever seen a Psychic and/or a Medium?

The difference between mediums and psychics
Uploaded by HeidiSawyer. - College experience videos.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lucy Schwartz

Darling I Do

What a cute video! I really loved the pairing of their two voices together.

When We Were Young

This song is on the 'Parenthood' soundtrack. I love that show!

Have you really looked inside of yourself lately?  What do you see?
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