"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Friday, October 1, 2010


I was shopping at a local salvage store looking for boots when I heard Never Gonna Be Alone playing on the store's speaker system. I discovered that to listen to the entire song I needed to stay in one spot in the shoe aisle or I couldn't hear the song. So I stood for a couple minutes pretending to look at shoes while I listened to Nickelback's song. I've been listening to a lot of classic rock lately and forgot how much I liked Nickelback's music. So I went online and found a few more Nickelback songs that I like:

Far Away

"I love you, I loved you all along.."

Never Gonna Be Alone

"Your never gonna be alone from this moment on."

I'd Come for You

"I'd always come for you."

What strange places has music called to you?
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