"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mental Conditioning

I love to listen to Hay House Radio and one of my favorite shows is John Holland's Spirit Connections. This morning's show was called, Believing in the Impossible. John talked about how our families unknowingly mentally condition us to certain beliefs by things they say. His family's saying or mantra was, 'We never have any luck.' He told himself that if he wanted to accomplish his goals then he needed to break free of that conditioning. So he started to tell himself, "Anything is possible."

According to John the most common mental conditioning people find themselves living out is, "What will other people think of me?" Perhaps you can relate to some of these mental contionings:
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • You're such a dreamer
  • People are out to get you
  • I'm not good enough
Sometimes our friends and family members tend to say things to us like, "Yeah right. You won't do that" when we share our goals. Let's take John's advice to "surround ourselves with people who will support and encourage us". If we want to write a book don't talk to your family members about it, instead, talk to someone who has written a book.

One way to change our old mental conditioning is to use positive affirmations and visualization techniques. For example, when John wanted to write his first book he started to visalize the bookshelves at Barnes & Noble and pictured his book on a shelf. He also started to use one of Louise Hay's affirmations and would say to himself, "Life wants me to be happy."

Now what? Take the time to think about what mantra your parent's passed on to you. Are you still living that mantra; and if so, is it time to change your saying? If you are a parent take time to think about the mantra that you are passing on to your children. Let's change our negative mantras into something positive! What will your new saying be?

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